Sustainable Pet Foods Blog
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Lily’s Kitchen Vegan Dog Food Range in Sainsbury
Lily’s Kitchen Finds Success in Plant Power Meals and Treats for Dogs
BVA admits new studies show vegan diets have health benefits
BVA positions should aim to advance environmental sustainability and animal welfare
Latest research on DCM and a dog’s diet
NO link with DCM (Dilated Cardiomyopathy) and dog food ingredients found
Plant-Based Vet Talks at Glasgow Vet School Nutrition Symposium
The very first of its kind Nutrition Symposium was held at Glasgow University giving students a much better understanding of the pet food market
What do we mean by a sustainable diet for dogs?
We have to consider how we are going to feed our pets in the next 10 or 20 years and look at what we currently have in place
The Impact of Vegan Diets on Indicators of Health in Dogs and Cats
“There was no overwhelming evidence of adverse effects arising from the use of vegan pet food and there was some evidence of benefits.”
Manypets releases pet carbon calculator
According to ManyPets Insurance 35% of pet owners are going to switch to less meaty food over the next year to offset their carbon emissions
Edinburgh Becomes First Capital City To Sign The Plant Based Treaty
The City of Edinburgh Council has officially endorsed the Plant Based Treaty, becoming the first Scottish city and first capital in Europe to do so
Dangers of Zoonoses with Raw Fed Pets
The handling of any raw meat, fish, poultry or even raw hide chews needs to be highlighted to owners, especially raw feeders
What of the palatability of vegan dog foods?
Prof Andrew Knight’s study published by Plos One, and by far the largest of its kind; surveyed 4,060 pet owners with the following results
New study finds vegan diet dogs may live longer
The BVA changes their views on vegan dog food diets with new findings
Plant-based pets can travel easily to the EU
With all the changes in regulations; personal imports of meat and milk or their derivative products are no longer allowed in the EU
Plant-based diets a truly novel protein
Plant-based foods are often more palatable than hydrolysed protein diets and dogs with an intolerance can be maintained on a complete diet indefinitely
Raw dog food fuelling spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
In July 2021, a news story was published linking raw feeding of dogs to antimicrobial resistance which could very well be the next pandemic we are faced with
Why pet food legislation needs revision and enforcement
Mike Davies BVetMed, CertVR, CertSAO, FRCVS shares some home truths about the manufacture of dietary products for pets – and the need for regulatory change to protect pet and human health