The City of Edinburgh Council has officially endorsed the Plant Based Treaty, becoming the first Scottish city and first capital in Europe to do so.

The Plant Based Treaty aims to address the environmental damage caused by today’s food system. It does this, in part, by promoting vegan sectors over industries that rely on animal produce, such as beef and dairy.

These categories, like many other animal-based “foods,” are the source of significant greenhouse gas emissions, as well as pollution, biodiversity loss, and land and water use.

In order to combat these issues, the Plant Based Treaty zeroes in on three core principles: relinquish (no further deforestation for animal rearing purposes), redirect (a clear transition from animal-based food production to plant-based systems), and restore (actively restoring ecosystems by planting trees and rewilding landscapes).

Edinburgh, home to more than half a million people, is now the 20th city or town to endorse the Treaty. It joins Los Angeles (the largest city in California), Boynton Beach in Florida, Haywards Heath in the UK, Didim in Turkey, and a number of Indian cities which have done the same.

This gives us such a hopeful insight into the direction that our UK cities are taking to be far more sustainable.

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