Changes in pet travel requirements from UK to the EU have changed since Brexit including

At least 1 month in advance:
1. Ensure your dog has a current Rabies vaccination
2. Check that your dog’s microchip is working and registered
3. Check any special requirements for your specific trip with your vet

Within 10 days of travelling:
5. Vet visit to get the Animal Health Certificate for travel
6. Vet visit for outbound Tapeworm treatment for specific countries only (within 5 days of travel)

But there is one change that owners may be unaware of that needs careful planning – plan your dog’s food in advance!

With all the changes in regulations; personal imports of meat and milk or their derivative products are no longer allowed.

This means that you cannot take any types of dog food or dog treats containing meat or meat derivatives from the UK into another EU country except where a special pet feed is required for medical reasons (and then only if weighing less than 2 kilograms, the product does not require refrigeration before opening, and the food is a packaged proprietary brand product for direct sale to the final consumer, and the packaging is unbroken unless in current use).

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The Great Protein Debate – Beef or Beans?

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Plant Ingredients in Dog Food

Plant Ingredients in Dog Food

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