Why every practice should stock plant-based dog food
With the knowledge shown below that we have an overwhelming demand from the general public wanting to feed their pets more sustainably, we have so much published proof of the health benefits of plant-based nutrition in our dogs; and it is shown to be one of the healthiest diets available for dogs, EVERY vet practice should be stocking plant-based dog food.
A TOP trending choice amongst pet owners
The ONLY pet food backed by robust evidence-based research
Healthiest form of nutrition for dogs
The morale of an entire practice can improve
The morale of an entire practice can improve by being able to promote a diet that is ethically and sustainably superior to all the diets out there…and is backed by scientific research. For receptionists and nurses and vets to be able to recommend these diets that we know are trending, would greatly improve staff retention within a practice and tick all the boxes to promote sustainability for the entire practice.
Ideal for dogs with intolerances as a diet for life
“A balanced plant-based diet is a good choice for a truly novel protein diet when food trialling dogs with potential cutaneous adverse food reactions.
They are often more palatable than hydrolysed protein diets and dogs with an intolerance can be maintained on a complete diet indefinitely.”
Veterinary Dermatology Specialist Dr Sue Paterson
No need for unpalatable elimination hydrolysed protein diets that dogs can only stay on for up to 6 weeks as they are so low in protein! Dogs can eat plant-based foods for life which means a constant stream of income for a vet practice if these foods are kept in the waiting room for owners to purchase.
Once an owner knows that the food they are feeding is the only one that their dog can have, they are fiercely loyal to the food and do not allow their dog to eat anything else as shown in the reviews below.