Sustainable Pet Food Association SPFA
The right choice to make
Why All Our Dogs Should Be Going Plant-Based
Fully Sustainable Recommended Products Below

Read our Plant-Based Dog Nutrition Blog
£280 million investment in fresh meat-based dog food
Did Butternut Box introduce a plant-based fresh dog food option in 2022 to gain B-Corp Certification?
Fermented Protein Pet Food – the Future?
Is precision fermentation our future way to feed not only our pets, but ourselves too? Yes it most certainly is!
Using microbial protein for the very first time in dog treats!
This first-of-its-kind protein is derived from bacteria that have been consumed by humans for centuries in foods such as kimchi, kefir, and sauerkraut
Read Success Stories of Dogs Transitioning to Plant-Based
Tommy the Bassett’s brown gungy saliva disappeared!
Plant-based dog food has been life changing for Tommy. He is heading for 10 years old and until last summer had a good skin for a Basset Hound
From raw to plant-based with no regrets
Since going vegan all of these issues cleared up and she’s so much more agile and energetic
Companies with a sustainable product but predominantly meat-based below